Mosaic’s products have the power to transform yields and profits from essential primary fertilizers designed to provide superior balanced crop nutrition. Our products are mined and manufactured to take advantage of today’s most advanced plant genetics, crop protection and equipment technologies.
Bulk Fertilizers

DIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE (DAP) 18-46-0 DAP is the most widely used phosphate fertilizer amongst the Indian farmers today. Mosaic DAP ensures 18% Nitrogen [N] & 46% Phosphate [P₂O₅] in every bag of its DAP. It’s made from two common primary nutrients and its relatively high nutrient content and excellent physical properties make it a popular choice for the farmers. The distinctive Orange and Green colour at the bottom makes Mosaic DAP one of the most identifiable DAP brands in the country.

Mosaic Potash
MURIATE OF POTASH (MOP) 0-0-60 MOP is a naturally occurring mineral created during the evaporation of ancient sea beds and is the most widely used potassium fertilizer in the country. Mosaic MOP contains 60 percent K₂0 and is available in several sizes like crystalline granular providing choices for most application options.

Mosaic K Mag®
Found at only a few places and mined in USA, K-Mag® is an uncommon mineral known as langbeinite. Its naturally occurring combination of potassium, magnesium and sulfur makes it a unique natural chemistry that make it safer and more effective for sensitive and high-yield crop systems.
Liquid Fertilizers

Mosaic Magna Zinc is a highly concentrated zinc oxide suspension containing 39.5% Zinc. It helps in quick uptake and correction of zinc deficiency and effect lasts for long term. It’s a liquid foliar nutrition that promotes the physiological activity and growth of crops that demand zinc. Product is having sticker, which avoids nutrient wastage and helps in better nutrient use efficiency.

Mosaic Magna Boron is intended for the complementary supply of B to crops (often deficient element), also enabling the prevention and/or correction of more severe deficiencies when necessary. It contains Boron ethanolamine, B in a chelated form that promotes greater absorption and transport of B between plant organs. When applied in reproductive phases, it provides better conditions for flower fertilization and improves the productive potential.
Water Soluble Fertilizers

Mosaic Reva
Mosaic Reva is our new range of 100% water-soluble fertilizers, which provides complete nutrition to plants. Mosaic Reva is easy for frequent applications, strengthens the plants, and improves the soil health.

Mosaic Renuvis
Renuvis is the Mosaic research based Biofertilizer product. Renuvis is India’s first Biofertilizer product, which can be used in fertilizer coating and fertigation. It’s a high-quality Bacillus-based microbial and with best-quality active ingredient that increase the availability of Phosphorus and other key nutrients (N, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn). Application of Renuvis results in optimized yield potential and a higher ROI.