Calcium (Ca) – An Important Nutrient for Marketable Quality of Potatoes
Calcium (Ca) – An Important Nutrient for Marketable Quality of Potatoes One nutrient that is crucial for plants is Calcium. The basic existence of plants and animals depends on calcium, which is present all around us. One of the nutrients that is most important to plant growth but is less noticeable is calcium. All too...
Read moreखेती में महत्वपूर्ण फसल चक्र
खेती में महत्वपूर्ण फसल चक्र फसल चक्र कृषि के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है, अंग्रेजी में इसे क्रॉप रोटेशन भी कहते है। किसी निश्चित भूमि में निश्चित समय वाली फसलों को लगातार अदल-बदलकर बोना ही फसल चक्र कहलाता है। किसी क्षेत्र की भूमि, जलवायु एवं अन्य वातावरणीय कारकों के आधार पर भिन्न-भिन्न फसल चक्र अपनाये...
Read moreगेहूँ की खेती में जीरो टिलेज का महत्व
गेहूँ की खेती में जीरो टिलेज का महत्व खेतीबाड़ी और बागवानी में कृषि यंत्रों का महत्व दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ता जा रहा है। आज खेती-किसानी के कामों से संबंधित कई प्रकार के कृषि यंत्र व मशीनें आ गई है, जिनसे कम समय और श्रम में अधिक कार्य लिया जा सकता है। इनसे किसानों के खेतीबाड़ी और...
Read morePotash – The Most Important Nutrient for Potato Crop
Potash – The Most Important Nutrient for Potato Crop How is Potash (Potassium, K) found? Potash is found in brines in dead lakes and seas and beds of solid salts beneath the planet’s surface. These deposits must first be mined and processed before being used as potash fertilizer. Common potassium fertilizers are entirely water soluble...
Read moreImportance of Post-Harvest Nutrition Management in Apple Orchard
Importance of Post-Harvest Nutrition Management in Apple Orchard A highly efficient post-harvest nutrition management plan determines the long-term high yields of good-quality fruit. The growers can reduce the risk of biennial bearing in their orchards by providing sufficient nutrition, particularly during the post-harvest stage. Why Post Harvest Nutrition Management is Must? Post-harvest fertilization provides the...
Read moreIntroducing Drip Irrigation System
Introducing Drip Irrigation System Introducing Drip Irrigation Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation system that can save water and nutrients by allowing water to flow slowly to plant roots, either above or below the soil surface. Drip irrigation systems use a network of valves, pipes, tubing, and emitters to transfer water. A drip irrigation...
Read moreSoil Health – Set the Stage for Balanced Crop Nutrition
Soil Health – Set the Stage for Balanced Crop Nutrition Introduction Soil health is very essential for balanced crop nutrition and the soil fertility can affect up to 60% of production. Creating healthy soils increases crop productivity and ensures the land’s sustainability for future generations. By treating soils differently than in the past, not only...
Read moreSoil Organic Matter
Soil Organic Matter Introduction Soil organic matter is the amount of the soil that consists of decomposing plant or animal tissue. Most of our productive agricultural soils contain between 3 and 6% organic matter. Soil organic matter improves soil production in a variety of ways. There are various components of organic matter, as well as...
Read moreDon’t Forget Zinc When Applying Phosphorus to Your Farm
Don’t Forget Zinc When Applying Phosphorus to Your Farm Introduction Phosphorus (P) fertilizer is frequently used to increase crop productivity; however, farmers should not forget the role of micronutrients like Zinc (Zn). High amounts of P fertilizer, for example, without adequate plant-available Zn, could restrict Zn uptake by the roots, generate Zn shortage and diminish...
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